Ubuntu 12.04LTSにnginxをインストールする方法



Ubuntu 12.04LTSにnginxをインストールする方法を解説します。



# aptitude search nginx
p   nginx                                     - small, but very powerful and efficient web server an
v   nginx:i386                                -                                                     
p   nginx-common                              - small, but very powerful and efficient web server (c
p   nginx-doc                                 - small, but very powerful and efficient web server (d
p   nginx-extras                              - nginx web server with full set of core modules and e
p   nginx-extras:i386                         - nginx web server with full set of core modules and e
p   nginx-extras-dbg                          - Debugging symbols for nginx (extras)                
p   nginx-extras-dbg:i386                     - Debugging symbols for nginx (extras)                
p   nginx-full                                - nginx web server with full set of core modules      
p   nginx-full:i386                           - nginx web server with full set of core modules      
p   nginx-full-dbg                            - Debugging symbols for nginx (full)                  
p   nginx-full-dbg:i386                       - Debugging symbols for nginx (full)                  
p   nginx-light                               - nginx web server with minimal set of core modules   
p   nginx-light:i386                          - nginx web server with minimal set of core modules   
p   nginx-light-dbg                           - Debugging symbols for nginx (light)                 
p   nginx-light-dbg:i386                      - Debugging symbols for nginx (light)                 
p   nginx-naxsi                               - nginx web server with naxsi 0.44 included           
p   nginx-naxsi:i386                          - nginx web server with naxsi 0.44 included           
p   nginx-naxsi-dbg                           - Debugging symbols for nginx (naxsi)                 
p   nginx-naxsi-dbg:i386                      - Debugging symbols for nginx (naxsi)  



# aptitude show nginx-light
Description: nginx web server with minimal set of core modules
 This package provides a very light version of Nginx which lacks many of the features and modules of
 it's full counterpart.


# aptitude show nginx-full
Description: nginx web server with full set of core modules
 It can also act as a POP3/IMAP mail proxy with SSL and TLS SNI support. This package has the
 standard set of modules enabled. 

フルセットのコアモジュール + 拡張モジュール組み込まれたパッケージです。

# aptitude show nginx-extras
Description: nginx web server with full set of core modules and extras
 This package provides the standard version of Nginx. It also includes extra features and modules
 such as the perl module which allows the addition of perl in configuration files. 


# aptitude show nginx-naxsi
Description: nginx web server with naxsi 0.44 included
 This package provides the standard version of Nginx, including the naxsi Web Application Firewall. 



# aptitude install nginx-extras


# service nginx start



「Welcome to nginx!」というシンプルなメッセージが表示されれば、OKです。

nginx の人気記事

  1. PHP-FPM - server reached pm.max_children - Warningエラー対処法
  2. nginxでデフォルトのバーチャルホストを設定する方法
